not only...but also...璋撹鍔ㄨ瘝鏈夋病鏈夊氨杩戝師鍒欙紝涓句緥璇存槑
发布日期:2025-01-04 10:48 点击次数:193
璋撹鍔ㄨ瘝鏈夊氨杩戝師鍒欍€?/p>1銆佸綋not only鈥︹€ut also鈥︹€﹁繛鎺ヤ袱涓富璇椂锛岃皳璇姩璇嶉噰鍙栧氨杩戜竴鑷村師鍒欙紝鍗宠皳璇姩璇嶈鍜屼笌鍏舵渶杩戠殑涓昏淇濇寔浜虹О鍜屾暟鐨勪竴鑷淬€?/p>渚嬪彞锛欻e not only writes his own plays, he also acts in them. 缈昏瘧锛氫粬涓嶄粎鏄嚜缂栧墽鏈? 杩橀グ婕斿叾涓殑瑙掕壊.2銆佺敤浜庤繛鎺ヤ袱涓〃绀哄苟鍒楀叧绯荤殑鎴愬垎,鐫€閲嶅己璋冨悗鑰?鍏舵剰涓衡€滀笉浠呪€︹€﹁€屼笖鈥︹€︹€濓紱鍏朵腑鐨刟lso鏈夋椂鍙互鐪佺暐.渚嬪彞锛歋he not only plays well, but also writes music. 缈昏瘧锛氬ス涓嶄粎寰堜細婕斿,鑰屼笖杩樹細浣滄洸.not only but also鐨勭敤娉?/p>鎵╁睍璧勬枡锛?/strong>not only ...but also...鐢ㄦ硶涓€銆佷富瑕佺敤娉?/p>1銆佲€淣ot only鈥ut also鈥濈敤浜庤繛鎺ヤ富璇€佽皳璇姩璇嶃€佸璇€?瀹捐琛ヨ冻璇€佽〃璇?銆佺姸璇?銆佸畾璇€?/p>渚嬪彞锛歂ot only I but also my mother is proud of my success .缈昏瘧锛氫笉浠呮垜锛岃€屼笖鎴戠殑濡堝閮戒负鎴戠殑鎴愬姛鎰熷埌鑷豹銆?/p>渚嬪彞锛歁ary and Tom not only go to the same school but also share a same room.缈昏瘧锛氱帥涓藉拰姹ゅ涓嶄粎涓婂悓涓€鎵€瀛︽牎锛岃€屼笖杩樹綇鍚屼竴涓埧闂淬€?/p>
璋撹鍔ㄨ瘝鏈夊氨杩戝師鍒欍€傚綋not only鈥︹€ut also鈥︹€﹁繛鎺ヤ袱涓富璇椂锛岃皳璇姩璇嶉噰鍙栧氨杩戜竴鑷村師鍒欙紝鍗宠皳璇姩璇嶈鍜屼笌鍏舵渶杩戠殑涓昏淇濇寔浜虹О鍜屾暟鐨勪竴鑷淬€?/p>涓句緥濡備笅锛?/p>Not only/just he but (also) I am planning to go. 涓嶄粎鏄粬锛岃€屼笖鎴戜篃鍑嗗鍘汇€?/p>Not only I but also he is a student.涓嶄粎鎴戞槸瀛︾敓锛屼粬涔熸槸瀛︾敓銆?/p>Not only the teacher but also the students were against the plan.涓嶄粎鑰佸笀鍙嶅杩欎釜璁″垝锛屽鐢熶滑涔熷弽瀵广€?/p>Not only I but also Tom and Mary are fond of watching television.涓嶄粎鎴戯紝鑰屼笖姹ゅ鍜岀帥涓介兘鍠滄鐪嬬數瑙嗐€?/p>Not only Jim but also his wife saw her.涓嶄絾鍚夊鑰屼笖浠栧瀛愪篃瑙佸埌浜嗗ス銆?/p>鎵╁睍璧勬枡锛?/h2>Not only鈥ut also鏄嫳璇腑姣旇緝甯歌鐨勪竴涓叧鑱旇瘝缁勶紝鐢ㄤ簬杩炴帴涓や釜琛ㄧず骞跺垪鍏崇郴鐨勬垚鍒嗭紝鐫€閲嶅己璋冨悗鑰呫€傚畠鐨勬剰鎬濇槸鈥滀笉浠?鈥?鑰屼笖 ...鈥濓紱鍏朵腑鐨刟lso鏈夋椂鍙互鐪佺暐銆?/p>涓昏鐢ㄦ硶濡備笅锛?/p>1.杩炴帴涓昏锛?/p>Not only I but also Tom and Mary are fond of watching television.涓嶄粎鎴戯紝鑰屼笖姹ゅ鍜岀帥涓介兘鍠滄鐪嬬數瑙嗐€?/p>2.杩炴帴璋撹鍔ㄨ瘝The Americans and the British not only speak the same language but also share a large number of social customs.鑻卞浗浜哄拰缇庡浗浜轰笉浣嗚瑷€鐩稿悓锛岃€屼笖鏈夊緢澶氱浉鍚岀殑椋庝織涔犳儻銆?/p>娉ㄦ剰not only鈥ut also杩炴帴鐨勫姩璇嶄竴鑸笉閲嶅锛岃繖涓庢眽璇笉鍚屻€?/p>濡傛眽璇鈥滄垜涓嶄粎鎳傝嫳璇紝鑰屼笖鎳備縿璇€濓紝鑻辫鍒欒鈥淚 know not only English but also Russian鈥濓紝鑰屼笉璇粹€淚 not only know English but also know Russian鈥?3.杩炴帴瀹捐锛?/p>The problem for the recipient was trying to guess not only who the sender was, but also what his secret feelings might be.鏀朵俊浜轰笉浠呰灏藉姏鐚滃嚭鏄皝鐨勶紝杩樿鎺ㄦ祴瀵勪俊浜哄唴蹇冩湁浠€涔堟兂娉曘€?/p>4.杩炴帴瀹捐琛ヨ冻璇細Light and bright colors make people not only happier but more active.娴呰壊鍜岄矞鑹崇殑棰滆壊涓嶄絾浣夸汉鐪嬩簡楂樺叴锛屼篃浼氫娇浜烘洿鍔犳椿娉笺€?/p>5.杩炴帴琛ㄨ锛?/p>Shakespeare was not only a writer but (also) an actor.鑾庡+姣斾簹涓嶄粎鏄竴浣嶅墽浣滃锛岃€屼笖鏄竴浣嶆紨鍛樸€?/p>6.杩炴帴鐘惰锛?/p>If your friend reminds you kindly of your faults, take what he says not merely pleasantly but thank fully.濡傛灉浣庝綘鐨勬湅鍙嬪杽鎰忓湴鎸囨槑鍑轰綘鐨勭己鐐癸紝浣犱笉浣嗚娆g劧鎺ュ彈锛岃€屼笖瑕佸績鎬€鎰熸縺涔嬫儏銆?/p>7.杩炴帴浠庡彞锛?/p>He didn鈥檛 let us off the hook until we had proved not only that we knew what an organism was but also that we had the fortitude to stand up for the truth.鐩村埌鎴戜滑璇佹槑浜嗘垜浠笉浠呯煡閬撲粈涔堟槸鐢熺墿浣擄紝鑰屼笖鍏锋湁鍧氭寔鐪熺悊鐨勪笉灞堜笉鎸犵簿绁炴椂锛屼粬杩欐墠鏀捐繃鎴戜滑銆?/p>8.杩炴帴瀹氳锛?/p>Man has become master not only of the sky but also of the space. 浜虹被涓嶄絾寰佹湇浜嗗ぉ绌猴紝鑰屼笖寰佹湇浜嗗お绌恒€?/p>9.杩炴帴鍙ュ瓙锛?/p>I not only heard it, but (also) I saw it.鎴戜笉浠呭惉鍒般€佽€屼笖鐪嬪埌浜嗗畠銆?/p>Not only鈥ut also杩炴帴鍙ュ瓙鏃? not only 鍙互缃簬鍙ラ琛ㄧず寮鸿皟,杩欐椂绗竴鍒嗗彞瑕侀噰鐢ㄥ€掕缁撴瀯銆備緥濡傦細Not only has he a first-class brain but also he is a tremendously hard worker.浠栦笉浠呮湁鐫€澶寸瓑鑱槑鐨勮剳瀛愶紝鑰屼笖宸ヤ綔寰堣兘鍚冭嫤銆?/p>10.鐢ㄤ簬 it is鈥hat 寮鸿皟缁撴瀯It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable.鎴戜滑涓嶄絾瑕佸鎴戜滑鎵€鍋氱殑浜嬭礋璐o紝鑰屼笖瑕佸鎴戜滑娌℃湁鍘诲仛鐨勪簨璐熻矗銆?/p>鍙傝€冭祫鏂欙細鐧惧害鐧剧_灏辫繎鍘熷垯
not only...but also...璋撹鍔ㄨ瘝鏈夊氨杩戝師鍒欍€傝繛鎺ヤ袱涓富璇椂,璋撹鍔ㄨ瘝瑕佸拰涓庡叾鏈€杩戠殑涓昏淇濇寔浜虹О鍜屾暟鐨勪竴鑷淬€?/p>渚嬪彞锛?/p>1.Not only the students but also the teacher was against the plan.涓嶄粎鏄鐢燂紝杩炶€佸笀涔熷弽瀵硅繖椤硅鍒掋€傦紙璋撹鍔ㄨ瘝鏈€杩戠殑涓昏鏄痶eacher锛岃淇濇寔浜虹О鍜屾暟鐨勪竴鑷达紝鎵€浠ョ敤was锛?/p>2.Not only the teacher but also the students were against the plan.涓嶄粎鏄€佸笀锛岃繛瀛︾敓涔熷弽瀵硅繖椤硅鍒掋€傦紙绂昏皳璇姩璇嶆渶杩戠殑涓昏鏄痵tudents锛岃淇濇寔浜虹О鍜屾暟鐨勪竴鑷达紝鎵€浠ョ敤were锛?/p>鎵╁睍璧勬枡锛?/h2>1.not only 鈥?#8194;but also 杩炴帴涓や釜鍒嗗彞,骞朵笖 not only 浣嶄簬鍙ラ鏃?绗竴涓垎鍙ヤ腑鐨勪富璇拰璋撹瑕侀儴鍒嗗€掕銆?/p>2.not only 鈥?#8194;but also涓嶈兘鐢ㄥ湪鍚﹀畾鍙ヤ腑3.not only 鈥?#8194;but also 杩炴帴涓や釜骞跺垪鎴愬垎鏃?鍙互鐪佺暐 but 鎴?#8194;also ,涔熷彲浠ユ妸 but also 閮界渷鐣ユ帀銆?/p>4.not only A but also B = B as well as A,浣嗗墠鑰呯殑寮鸿皟閲嶇偣鍦?#8194;B 锛涘悗鑰呯殑寮鸿皟閲嶇偣涔熷湪B銆?/p>
鏈夛紝杩炴帴涓や釜涓昏鏃?璋撹鍔ㄨ瘝瑕佸拰鏈€杩戠殑涓昏(鍗砨ut also鍚庣殑涓昏)鍦ㄤ汉绉板拰鏁颁笂淇濇寔涓€鑷?鍗抽伒寰€滃氨杩戝師鍒欌€濄€?/p>渚?Not only he but also you are invited to attend the meeting.涓嶅厜浠?杩樻湁浣犱篃琚個璇峰弬鍔犱細璁€?/p>not only鈥ut also鈥﹁〃绀洪€掕繘,鎰忎负鈥滀笉浣嗏€﹁€屼笖鈥︹€?鐫€閲嶅己璋冨悗鑰?鍏朵腑also甯稿彲鐪佺暐銆傚彲浠ョ渷鐣ut鎴朼lso,涔熷彲浠ユ妸but also閮界渷鐣ユ帀,but鍜宎lso杩樺彲鍒嗗紑浣跨敤銆?/p>鎵╁睍璧勬枡1銆乶ot only A but also B绛変簬鈥淏 as well as A鈥濄€傛敞鎰?缈昏瘧鏃?瑕佸厛璇?as well as鍚庨潰鐨勯儴鍒嗐€?br />渚?The child is not only healthy but also lively.(=The child is lively as well as healthy.)杩欏瀛愭棦鍋ュ悍鍙堟椿娉?/p>2銆佸彲浠ョ渷鐣ut鎴朼lso,涔熷彲浠ユ妸but also閮界渷鐣ユ帀,but鍜宎lso杩樺彲鍒嗗紑浣跨敤銆?/p>渚?She not only finished reading that book, (but also) wrote an article about it.濂逛笉鍏夎瀹屼簡閭f湰涔?杩樺啓浜嗕竴绡囪鍚庢劅銆?/p>
鏈夊氨杩戝師鍒欍€?/p>1.涓昏鐢ㄤ簬杩炴帴涓や釜瀵圭瓑鐨勬垚鍒嗭紱鑻ヨ繛鎺ヤ袱涓垚鍒嗕綔涓昏锛屽叾鍚庤皳璇姩璇嶄笌闈犺繎鐨勪富璇繚鎸佷竴鑷淬€傚锛?/p>She likes not only music but also sport. 濂逛笉浣嗗枩娆㈤煶涔愯€屼笖鍠滄杩愬姩銆?/p>The place was not only cold, but also damp. 閭d釜鍦版柟涓嶄絾寰堝喎鑰屼笖寰堟疆婀裤€?/p>We go there not only in winter, but also in summer. 鎴戜滑涓嶄粎鍐ぉ鍘婚偅鍎匡紝鑰屼笖澶忓ぉ涔熷幓銆?/p>Not only the students but also their teacher is enjoying the film. 涓嶄粎瀛︾敓浠湪娆h祻杩欓儴褰辩墖锛屼粬浠殑鑰佸笀涔熷湪娆h祻杩欓儴褰辩墖銆?/p>2.not only鈥ut also鈥︿腑鐨刟lso閫氬父鍙互鐪佺暐锛屾垨鎹㈡垚too, as well锛堣缃簬鍙ユ湯锛夈€傚锛?/p>He not only washed the car, but polished it too [as well]. 浠栦笉浠呭啿娲楁苯杞︼紝鑰屼笖杩樻摝鎷簡瀹冦€?/p>鏈夋椂鐢氳嚦杩?but also 涓€骞剁渷鐣ユ帀銆傚锛?/p>Justice must not only be done; it must be seen to be done. 姝d箟涓嶄絾蹇呴』浼稿紶锛岃€屼笖瑕佽浜虹湅鍒版涔夊緱鍒颁簡浼稿紶銆?/p>She not only entered the competition鈥攕he actually won it! 濂逛笉浣嗗弬鍔犱簡绔炶禌鈥斺€旇€屼笖灞呯劧鑾疯儨浜嗭紒鎵╁睍璧勬枡:灏辫繎鍘熷垯鐭there be 鈥︹€﹀彞鍨?/p>Neither鈥︹€or鈥︹€?/p>Either鈥︹€r鈥︹€?/p>Not鈥︹€ut鈥︹€?/p>Whether鈥︹€r鈥︹€?/p>Not only鈥︹€ut also鈥︹€?/p>1.鍦╤ere, there绛夊紩瀵肩殑鍊掕鍙ヤ腑,褰撲富璇笉姝竴涓紝姝ゆ椂璋撹鍔ㄨ瘝涓庢渶闈犺繎瀹冪殑涓昏鍦ㄦ暟涓婁竴鑷村枖銆?/p>For example:A锛欻ere comes the bus. 宸村+杩囨潵浜嗐€?/p>B:There is a pencil and several photos on the desk. 妗屼笂鏈変竴鏀搮绗斿拰鍑犲紶鍥剧墖銆?/p>2.杩炶瘝or, either... or..., neither鈥or..., not only鈥ut also 绛夎繛鎺ョ殑骞跺垪涓昏, 璋撹鍔ㄨ瘝鍙笌闈犺繎瀹冪殑涓昏鍦ㄦ暟涓婁竴鑷村搱銆?br />For instance锛?br />A锛欵ither you or he knows something about the task. 瑕佷箞浣狅紝瑕佷箞浠栫煡閬撴浠诲姟鐨勭浉鍏虫儏鍐点€?/p>B:Neither I nor he plays cards.鎴戝拰浠栭兘娌℃墦鐗?